Give a soft answer

The word "soft" written in uncial calligraphy with a soft earthy background

Answering softly is an art that goes beyond just the words you choose; it’s about the tone, the delivery, and the intention behind your response. A soft answer can defuse tension, calm a heated conversation, and create a deeper connection.

Progress not perfection

In a world that often celebrates flawless outcomes and instant success, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that everything must be perfect to be valuable. And this is oh-so-true when it comes to calligraphy.

Scribite, scriptores

open book with latin text written in simple gothic calligraphy

There are some times that I really regret not having studied latin. Just this morning, for example, I was trying to decipher the sentence “scribite, scriptores, ut discant posteriores”. Luckily, there was a translation just below the text. It means, “write, writers, so that posterity may learn.” I found this sentence in Marc Drogin’s “Medieval […]

2021 Calendar, Recipes written in calligraphy

Vinaigrette crémeuse aux fines herbes (or Creamy Salad Dressing)

This 2021 calendar brings together a few of my favorite things: calligraphy, cooking, photography, and messing around on my computer laying things out, and putting them all together. Choosing the recipes was the easy part, as they are ones that I use regularly. Some of them come from Mom, some of them are more-or-less invented […]


For as long as I can remember, I have always done my creating with a cup of tea at hand. One reason for that might be that holding a hot cuppa warms my hands, which are usually cold from mid-September until the beginning of May! It didn’t even occur to me that I may have […]

I was recently contacted by a local journalist for an interview

I was recently contacted by a local journalist for an interview, which appeared in the paper a short while ago. The translation is just below. I guess it’s obvious why I’d never make a good politician! My thoughts seem pretty random, which goes with my way of thinking, I suppose! It was fun to do […]