Simple Gothic Hand


Follow the free introductory class first.


  • draw each letter of the alphabet, first the lowercase letters, then the uppercase. The letters are not demonstrated in alphabetical order; they are presented to you in groups of similar letters ;

  • plan and execute a project with a short text.

Using a 3 mm Brause nib (or similar) and ink will give you the most “authentic” experience, but of course you can use calligraphy markers or cartridge pens with a calligraphic nib if you prefer.

Some of the benefits of doing calligraphy are:

  • calligraphy is yoga-for-the-soul. In doing calligraphy, you set aside some time for yourself, and you will feel great for it ;

  • calligraphy contributes to neuroplasticity —which basically means that, while teaching your (old) brain new tricks, you are  creating new pathways in your brain and paving the way to sharper neurological skills;

  • embellishing your daily life with beautiful letters.  . Creating beauty of any sort is a wonderful thing to do !

Several downloadable documents are included (practice sheets, letter reference sheets …).

Calligraphy is not just a pleasant artistic activity, it is almost a meditative experience!

Grab your pen and paper, and come along on this calligraphic journey!

Completing this course will help you:

Who is the course for?

Absolutely anyone interested in calligraphy!

No previous calligraphy experience is required. You’ll just need a little perseverance and some practice time!

You don’t need to have any special artistic talents, either. All you need is a desire to learn …

Learning Path

12 video lessons, lower case and upper case letters in the Simple Gothic Hand


As a class project, we will calligraph a text from Le Petit Prince, written by Antoine St Exupéry.

Use a 3 mm broad (or oblique) nib for this course. You will see me writing with a Brause nib, one of my favourites!

Choose a fluid ink, like walnut nut hull. Another of my favourites is the Ecoline brand of ink.

  • Another term for this style of calligraphy is “Blackletter”
  • It was commonly used throughout the middles ages (from the 12th to the 17th century)
  • It remain in use in some countries, like Germany, until the 1940’s
  • There are many variations of the Gothic Hand (such as Fraktur, La Bâtarde …)

What people are saying

Are You Ready To Start?

A workbook is available to practise this simple gothic style of calligraphy.

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